

Friday, June 11, 2010

Let's Play Catch Up

Here are some oldies but goodies!

Aden: "Mom. I talked to the babysitter last night about the Philly fananic. He thinks he's real. Do you think he's real?"
Me:" ummmm. Well what do YOU think?"
Aden:" hmmm I think that he's real and not a human. There's just no way a HUMAN can look like that!"

Me:" Aden. You are going to need to chill out a be quiet for a minute."
Aden:" Ok mom. I'll be quiet like a......HOT DOG!!!!! Cause hot dogs are like soooooo quiet and they just sit there and look at you and are like super chill."

Violet:" Mom. It scares me when you say crap."( she's laughing...)
Aden:" Well Mom when you say ffffffffffuuuuu( he looks up at my grandparents) I mean crap I don't gets scared." ( he's being very matter of fact)

Since Aden got Iron Man flip flops he keeps tilting his sunglasses to the base of his nose and leaning against the wall while snapping his fingers before answering questions....

Violet: ". Mom!!!!! Wake up there's an emergency!!! I cannot find my cute skirt!"

Aden: "Mom when I was in your belly you know how did you pick my name?
Me: "Wellllll your father picked your name.
Aden: "Ohhhhhh.... Soooooo you mean he liked Aden better than hmmmm you know like better than jerk or poophead?

Aden: "Mom, when you die it'll be ok cause god will bring you back to life right?"
Me: "Ummmm prob not Aden
Aden:" Wait! So you're tellin me that god brought his son back and NOT YOU!!!! That's soooo bad!!!!

Kid walks in with a cast on his arm:
Aden:" What happened to his arm!
Me: "He prob didn't listen to his mom and jumped off the couch.
Aden:" Good thing I only jump ON the couch huh mom....

Aden played chef tonight at dinner....
Me:" Chef needs to eat his apples"
From the kitchen came a high pitched voice mimicking me
Aden:" Chef's mom is dead so Chef can do whatever he wants...."

Movie night at my house with vi and Aden goes like this " why is he in white? Why is he dirty? He's got a big mouth don't he mom? Why is the boat there? Is he sad? Is he mad? Why is he sweating?" This goes on for 168 minutes.

Soooo I had classic rock in the car and stepped out to take a quick call when I see Aden dancing clapping his hands with his eyes shut in the car. So I'm like sweet my son likes rock. When I get into the car I realize he changed the station to the Gospel station.....

Violet was reading outloud for school and the book was about ships. She has a slight lisp from losing her front teeth so every paragraph she says ship but it sounds like SHIT. Aden was listening and every time she said ship he said "Ooooohhhh you're in trouble.....". This went on for 20 minutes.

Aden: "Mom. If I don't touch my pee pee when I go pee, do I have to wash my hands still?"

Violet is using a pencil as a magic wand. I hear..
Violet: " Aden you will now play with me and do everything I tell you!"
Aden:" yeah but it's not working. Maybe your wand is broke"

1 comment:

  1. Those are my grandkids alright!
    Mom and Grandmom down the hill
